Thursday, September 22, 2005

Rita and a Special Evening Prayer

Last night, we had a small Evening Prayer service at my parish. I was the lector, and it was nice to read the lessons for St. Matthew’s Day as they were very upbeat during a trying time.

The rector played a rarely used piano while the associate rector led the service. We all sat near the front which is very unlike us, which is good since everything was unamplified.

And the rector’s cell phone when off as I read the second lesson! I couldn’t help but look over at him and smile as I kept reading.

We prayed the Litany as we have during morning and evening prayer since Katrina.

Then those who showed up for the service worked together to protect some things from leaks, such as the pew books, the frontals and altarware, etc. The few kids there chipped in and helped. We all did.

I was glad I went.

When I got home, I put up a few more hurricane shutters to save time in case I decided to evacuate the next day. But before I went to bed, I found out the forecast path of Katrina was nudged to the North.

This morning, I saw the forecast path was pushed further north and that we were close to safe. Then, after personal morning prayer, I went out to catch some waves, of course. And they were impressive.

The city later lifted the mandatory evacuation, but I wasn’t allowed to go back out to the beach this afternoon, which is understandable.

But last night’s Evening Prayer will probably go down as one of the most memorable services I’ve been to.

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