Wednesday, March 18, 2009

On St. Joseph’s Day

With tomorrow being St. Joseph’s Day, I wish to commend to you this excellent essay on the man and the day from Touchstone.

The article emphasizes Joseph’s love and faithfulness in a family situation not of his choosing or of his doing, in being a father to a Boy who was really Someone else’s Son.

I was moved by the article in part because my persistent singleness and current family situation was certainly not something I would have chosen years ago. And I was a foster son myself. So St. Joseph’s good example touches me.

As the essay mentions, we tend to forget St. Joseph and his day. Don’t do that. Read The Good Father and pray:

O GOD, who didst call blessed Joseph to be the faithful guardian of thine only-begotten Son, and the spouse of his virgin Mother: Give us grace to follow his example in constant worship of thee and obedience to thy commands, that our homes may be sanctified by thy presence, and our children nurtured in thy fear and love; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Wannabe.

As an 'adult child' of deeply wounded parents, alcoholics, divorced and who experienced multiple kinds of abuse that shaped my life and perceptions, (unfortunately a majority in Western countries) that Our Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit is patiently exposing, untangeling and displacing - I absolutely love to read everything about faithful fathers and mothers.

Are you in seminary? Or was your study at Oxford in history?

Blessings from Florida.

Mark said...

Thanks for the kind words.

In answer to your questions: 1. No. 2. Yes, medieval church history.
