Monday, June 22, 2009

ACNA First Day Afterthoughts

I’m more than a little tired, and this post will probably show it. But I want to post some thoughts on this momentous day.

It was indeed a great day for North American Anglicanism. It is official – we are the Anglican Church in North America. I have been praying for this for years. And thanks be to God for how He answers prayer!

It has not completely sunk in that this is for real, however. Part of that is that I am tired, and part of it is when a dream comes true, it is sometimes hard to believe it is no longer just a dream.

Kudos again to St. Vincent’s Cathedral. Bishop Iker’s men showed ACNA how to worship! The Eucharist today was a glorious and meet start to a momentous afternoon.

And kudos to Bishop Duncan for his leadership of the first session, which passed the Constitution. His unhurried style had me concerned for a while. But I already see he has a gift for working graciously with people, whether they be individuals or an assembly.

He honestly let the assembly know how he wanted to proceed. But he did so in a way that was fair to any opposition. He made it clear that if things did not go his way, he could deal with that; the world wouldn’t come to an end. If ACNA had to go back and do some things over, that was o. k.

And his low key manner of chairing the assembly worked wonders. As I live-blogged, I was surprised how effortlessly the Constitution passed.

So with God’s help, we now we have a new united church with a new Constitution with a minimum of hard feelings and a LOT of rejoicing . . . not bad for us Anglicans, not bad at all.

Today was a good day.

(edit: I just now see I spelled it "ANCA" in the title. I told you I was tired! Off to bed with me!)

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